Michelle Wood » Ms. Wood's Class Page

Ms. Wood's Class Page

Welcome, 3rd graders!


I am so happy to have you in my class for the next two years! Third grade is such an exciting year, and I am thrilled to be on this journey with you.


I have an “open door” policy, so parents are welcome to come in to volunteer! The students love it and so do I! I will also make myself available if you ever need to chat.


I believe we become a family here at school. Our very first task will be to do the work to become a class family. The most important thing to me is that each of my students feel loved, respected and safe. When we have that, there is freedom to take the risks we need to in order to learn and grow.


We will learn about all sorts of things this year. We will read,  experiment and explore with our curriculum so that we can have fun while we learn. As much as possible, I love creating learning opportunities where students get to work and learn together- in partners and in groups. This type of learning helps us to create a community and helps us to learn together and from one another. 


For those of you who may not know me, let me introduce myself

This will be my twelfth year teaching at Rowlett Elementary Academy. I am from the Sarasota/Bradenton area. I have two daughters; Ella (16) and Jazmine (21). We have two dogs and a cat that we love and have a lot of fun with!


In my spare time, I love going to the beach or going for sushi with my daughters or with friends. I enjoy relaxing with a good book or even watching a good movie. I really love good smelling candles and my essential oils! I am looking forward to learning about what makes all of you unique and finding out what your gifts and talents are!