Leadership Curriculum » Recognition Events

Recognition Events

We believe it is important to celebrate the success of all of our students! Here are a few of the ways we honor our leaders:
Leader of the Month Assemblies - Monthly events where 2-3 students are selected to represent their class as our Leaders of the Month. Selected students have exemplified the current "Habit."
Lighthouse Leaders Assemblies - New! We've replaced "Effort Honor Roll" with our Lighthouse Leaders Assemblies! These quarterly celebrations will honor students who have show improvement, academic excellence, and more! You can read more about this program here.
Rowdy Rowlie Rally  - These rallies occur twice a year and are a great time for our students come together for a good old-fashioned pep rally. Students show their school spirit, celebrate their success, dance to fun tunes, and compete in exciting games!
Leadership Referrals - These "referrals" are the kind our kids LOVE to earn! Leadership Referral can be given by any staff member who spots a child demonstrating above-and-beyond leadership, kindness, or dedication around campus. Every student who receives a Leadership Referrals has a chance to add a link to our "Leadership Chain" (on display in our cafeteria) and conference with Dr. Fradley and/or Mrs. Choate to share their success!